RM9 won't accept its own GEDCOM back

This is quite odd. I have a master file from which I exported one family line of a few generations for another purpose. However I needed to do some additional work on the extracted file so wanted to import it back into RM, to make those final adjustments. RM9 will not accept the GEDCOM import just created from RM9. It “looks” like it imported but when it opens it is an empty file. [Running RM9.1.3.0 on Intel MAC with Sonoma 14.2.1] Also, the GEDCOM opens fine in Reunion and MacFamilyTree 10.

Tools >Other Tools > Enhanced properties list

Thank you very much. As soon as I clicked on “enhanced properties list” the full GEDCOM opened fully in RM9. Can you explain why that extra step was needed?

That was definitely not needed for opening any full GEDCOM. In other words, no one else needs to perform that step. You said:

My thinking was it imported but You just were experiencing some screen display issue. The Enhanced properties list shows some details about the contents of the database and I hoped it would show You that the database was not empty.

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