Just purchased RM 9 (I'm a new RM user) and it does seem to work with Mac Sonoma 14.2.1

I wasn’t able to download my ancestry tree to RM, so I tried to open a gedcom. Both of these choices caused RM to freeze & crash. I was able to manually enter a 3 person family, but the program again froze when I attempted a backup to Dropbox. Is it because both RM 9 and Mac OS Sonoma are so new and I should try again in awhile?

RM9.1.3 (latest) works fine with Mac OS 14.2.1 . When you say you weren’t able to download your tree from Ancestry using TreeShare, what happened exactly?

not sure what steps you did – did you download from Ancestry to RM as a NEW tree? Did your previous RM have a connection?

I do not have a MAC but issue seems more related to the connection between the two (RM & Ancestry) databases

Mine now works just fine on our up to date new MacBook, there were issues but updates have cured the issues.

Check if there are Sonoma updates, install them if there are.

Check that there are no Roots Magic updates that are available, if there are install them.