RM8 Treeshare updates from Ancestry not linking media to event nor person

Unless I’m going mad, whenever I update RM8 from Ancestry using Treeshare, it is downloading the media but it isn’t linked to either the individual (like in RM7) nor the event.

Is this just me or do I need to configure some thing?

Using Windows 10 and RM8 latest version.

The attached media from ancestry is not shown in the columns like a picture which we would attach.

Look over to the right middle box for that event and see if the media line under the source count is not zero. Click on the media line to open a view of the media which you can then click into to enlarge and zoom in to view. Its a great system.

  1. In the Person Edit screen, the media line is empty for all that person’s facts.
  2. Select the fact that has an known downloaded image (but not shown here)
  3. In the box labelled “Fact Items” it says Media 0 (zero)
  4. In the box labelled “Fact Items” it says Sources 1 (one)
  5. click the right arrow in Source line to get the Sources box
  6. click the Citation to display the Citation details
  7. Click the line Media in the middle box (details text media etc)
  8. You can now click on a thumbnail

But that is hardly obvious.

And no indication from the Person Edit screen that there is an image for the fact.

The fact is linked but you have to check all the way through to Citation Details to see if there is an image. Checked this for several individuals on different fact types and they are all the same.

So panic over, problem has an answer but it is a lot of clicking to check the image is there and then another click to look at.

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