Has anyone had problems with the number of generations being displayed on the Pedigree Chart on their website? No more than six generations are shown on mine even though several of my pedigree lines have more than six generations, i.e. there’s no arrow after the 6th generation to show there’s another generation available to view. My website is Helen's Family Trees. My understanding is there’s no limit to the number of generations on the Pedigree Chart . RM support has not been able to help me. I use RM8 on a Mac.
I’m still using RM7, but I would look for a setting for “Cascading Charts”
This is how the settings dialogue looks in RM7
There has been some random issues with the linking on the MyRootsMagic websites. The webmaster is trying to track it down. It’s best to open a support ticket so we an look at your website.
Many thanks Gary. I can see that Cascading Charts option in RM8 when I publish a report. However, the Pedigree Chart I was talking about is the one that appears when you generate an actual RM website (via Publish/My RootsMagic). The limit appears to be internally set to 6 generations, with no Cascading Charts option available when creating the website
Thanks rzamor1. I had actually raised two support tickets about this in the last month and have just got an answer back to say “This has been reported to development” and “we don’t have a time frame for a resolution.” Not good news…
I hope that gets resolved soon.
RM8 has been a huge project, and I’m glad to see it’s continuing to improve.