RM10 Is copy fact supposed to work to duplicate a fact for the same person?

I have been using the copy fact to reuse facts between people but today I was adding a series of similar electoral roll entries to one person and wanted to copy the fact and then edit the details, although I could select the original person it did not duplicate the fact in the record.

Is this a bug or am I trying to do something it isn’t supposed to do?

I just corroborated your finding. You can’t duplicate a fact for a person or a family fact for the same family. That makes sense, I guess, for the common use case; yours is an exception. A workaround that is very cumbersome is to copy to another person and then copy the copy (or move it) from that person back to the first person. Reiterate copying from the second person to the first if you need more of the same. Whether this is more efficient than adding a fact and retyping the data (maybe there’s some text copying to multiple OS clipboards or Notepad and pasting therefrom to expedite) probably depends on how many fields need duplication.