RM 10 will not backup media files

I am on an Apple Mac. Since upgrading to the latest version, I now get the message /Documents/RootsMagic 10/Data Files/TempRMBackup/media/28D397E87306B8631F3ED80D858D35F0/usr/bin/qlmanage". No such file or directory. I am trying to backup to my own hard drive and I want to backup the media files. But even when I do not check the box for backing up the media files, I get the same message and the backup stops. Please advise.

Many people prefer to backup media Separately for many reasons.
I am on Windows so might be slightly different. You need to do a full backup of RM database and all media – if you have a large database and large # media – the backup could exceed 10-20gb.
I think maybe once a year I backup everything but as I mentioned I have external drives and cloud storage for media. (2 OneDrive accounts – plus 2 externals)


That’s definitely something to consider. But I get the same message whether I include media in the backup or not. And either way, the backup is interrupted and I have to close the file to get out.

I am not on a Mac so I will let a Mac person answer – but that does not look right path. you can check to see what path is default for back up in > Settings > program settings…

You’ll need to pursue this with RM Support who may need to look at your system remotely. I don’t know MacOS but the folder name “qlmanage” corresponds to a command line command to manage the Quick Look server. That may be just coincidental. However, I think RM marshals copies of files in a temporary location before Zipping them into a backup file.

Do not include media in any rootsmagic backup. As others have pointed out the backup takes an organized media folder and backs it up as one jumbled folder of files with meaningless names. Media will be backed up along with your regular time machine mac backups.

I will check with them. Thanks for your help.

I’ll trust my time machine backup, Rooty. Thanks for that suggestion.