Publish Place List

Twice while trying to print out a Place List specific to a place “North Dakota” and or “Minnesota”, I ran in to a problem. Firstly I went into “Publish”; “Place List”; “Print”; Print Filter Places and Events" and then I entered “Minnesota” and then later “North Dakota”. the first time I after I asked to generate the report and tried to print I received an error “Argument out of range (I think that is what was stated can’t remember exactly)” and it only printed the first page, at that time Roots Magic failed to respond to any type of input and only after opening task manager I had to end the Roots Magic 9 and restarted it. The second time after restarting I did the exact same procedure except I saved the output to a word document file, and the result was the same except there was not and error message about the argument being out of range, Roots Magic locked up and had to be shut down via task manager and restarted. Has anyone had this same problem?

I just attempted to run the report to recreate your error. I used the same option “Filter Places and Events” using a place in my file. The report ran with expected output printing the first page and then running it again with output to MS Word (Office 365). I could not recreate the error. RM Version 9.1.4 on Windows 11.

What operating system are you on? Check first that you have the second version of update Download directly from our website and install it.

I’m running Window Home 10 Version:10.0.19045 Build 19045 RM9
I am using a separate drive connected via USB as the storage area of my data is the only slightly different thing that I can think of.