Narrative report not including marriage

Hi everyone,
I am new to Rootsmagic I am on Rootsmagic 10.When I print a narrative report it does not include the marriages. I can see there has been previous problems with this I just wondered if anything new has been worked out.

Family facts, like marriage, will print after their individual facts. The start person on the Ancestor narrative reports will not have a marriage fact, neither will children.

Thanks. Seems a shame it does not print this as it is a important record. When you read the narrative it looks like the person had not married. Real shame spoils the narrative really.

I share the Marriage fact with each of the spouses. This prints the Marriage fact in the timeline for each spouse in addition to printing the Marriage fact in the timeline for the couple. This approach takes care of all loose ends such as the start person on the Ancestor narrative reports and the children on Ancestor Narrative reports.

The Marriage fact has a built-in Witness role that possibly could be used for this purpose. But the default sentence for the Witness role wouldn’t work very well to display the marriage in the individual timeline. You could change the sentence for the Witness role, but then the Witness role could not also be used for its original intended purpose. So it would probably be better to make a new role. The sentence for the main Marriage fact looks like it would work just fine as well as a sentence for this new “shared Marriage” role. So you could just copy that sentence template as the sentence for the new “shared Marriage” role.

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