Media drag and drop feature

I know this has been already discussed but I too want to suggest improving the drag and drop feature for media in RM.

  1. Please allow to drag and drop media from finder / win explorer directly to any destination instead of working through all the levels after clicking “add media” See FTM and other software.
  2. Please allow to “detach” the media window and then just drag and drop (MULTIPLE!) media to wherever you want to: people, facts, events, sources etc.

If it is appropriate to add to this here, could we also give RM the ability to add an image from it’s own snipping tool.

I often find a screenshot, picture or other image (Grave, picture of an ancestor, church record etc) when researching which I’d like to add to a person in my file. At the moment I have to save the image from my browser, give it a name and save in a folder. Then in RM I have to find this file to add the media. If at the ‘Add Media’ window there was a button which allowed me to grab a screenshot it would be so much simpler.

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