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Search Box Metacharacters
A metacharacter is a printable character that has special meaning to a computer program other than as a literal character, e.g., as a wildcard or control code. RootsMagic uses the following metacharacters in the Sidebar Index tab and People List search boxes. In the examples below, the square brackets [something] denote that their contents are the search term to be entered.
• A single comma denotes the separation between Surname and Given names search terms.
[searchterm1] (no comma) searches Surname only.
[,searchterm2] searches Given only
[searchterm1,searchterm2] searches Surname for a match on searchterm1 and then for a match on searchterm2 in Givens.
•The percent sign % wildcard matches any sequence of zero or more characters.
Example: [Be%t] will return surname results Bennet, Bentley, Cuthbertson, Fauberget. Note that simply entering plain text is equivalent to entering [%text%]
• The double quote " metacharacter as the first character forces a literal match (no wildcard interpretation) to the search term from the beginning of the surname; wildcards remain effective in the Givens search term (an exact search of Givens is available in People Search). .
[John] will match any Surname with John anywhere in it (Johnson, Littlejohn, etc.).
["John] will match Surnames that start with John, e.g., Johnson.
["John,] will find everyone whose Surname is only John.
["smith,% Mary] will find only Smiths having an additional Given name beginning with Mary.
•The underscore _ wildcard matches any single character.
Example: [SM_TH,] will return results for SMITH and SMYTH
Edited to describe metacharacters and to improve explanation of "