RM 64 bit, Windows 10 Professional 64 bit
I have been working on my long term project to process my people who are color coded yellow. This is my color code for the people in my database who are unconnected to me. Right now, I have a list of yellow people of particular interest by RIN number. This is not all the yellow people. The current list of people of interest is 39 yellow people out of a total of about 3000 yellow people.
Here is my process. I am working in People List View and in Descendant View set to 7 generations. It’s very unusual for me to set Descendant View to 7 generations, but the people I am working with are in clusters of a half a dozen to two or three dozen people, so there is no harm in setting Descendant View to 7 generations.
- I put the RIN for the next person of interest into the search box in People List View.
- I click the person to give them the focus. This doesn’t happen automatically even though they are the only person in People List View.
- I switch to Descendant View
- I process that person and the little family cluster they are in. When I get done, that person and the other people in the same cluster are no longer yellow. I may have deleted them from my database. I may have connected them to my tree, so they are no longer colored yellow. I may have colored them gray because they need further research even though I cannot connect them to my tree at the present time. So they are no longer colored yellow, no matter what.
That’s the whole process. The address violation error occurs when switching from People List View to Descendant View. It seems to happen after an hour or so, during which time I might have processed a half dozen to a dozen yellow people in this manner. It’s like RM gets tired - more likely a memory leak or something like that. Or there may be some sort of race condition between threads in RM which are running in parallel. It may take that long before the problem with a possible race condition might manifest itself. I don’t actually know what the cause is, and it is not repeatable enough to submit my database to RM.
RM would have to be willing to follow my exact process for an hour or two before the error would happen, and I think it would be almost impossible for them to follow my exact process. They would have no way of knowing what decisions I would make about deleting or connecting or recoloring the yellow people at each step. But maybe the fact that the error always happens immediately upon switching from Family List View to Descendant View could provide them with some clues.
The address violation error always happens at the very beginning of the processing for a new person. I don’t get far enough along to do any actual processing for the new person. I don’t know if the disposition of the previous yellow person has anything to do with it. It doesn’t seem to matter whether I deleted the previous yellow person or connected the previous yellow person to my tree or just colored the previous yellow person as gray.