Import from FamilySearch Mixed Up Marriages

Has anyone run into this? I created a brand new RootsMagic 10 file by importing from FamilySearch. Person GL5H-M51 was married twice. The RootsMagic file shows her married to her second husband on the date she married her first husband! (Note: the information is absolutely correct on FamilySearch Tree. The error is in RootsMagic.) Any advice?

I believe the match is just for the marriage date. There is no place to compare on either. The spouse name isn’t what its comparing. When adding the marriage fact to RM you have to make sure to select the correct spouse to add the fact to.

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I have seen what you describe happen and when it has happen it was 100% user error. (Me)
Either you had existing in RM incorrectly (Wrong William) or you accident link marriage to wrong William in tree share(this is easy to do if you are not careful)


Thank you to the commenters on my original post. I appreciate you taking the time to read and respond. To follow up, I did not import FamilySearch data into an existing, populated RM file. Rather, I created a brand new (that is, empty) file in RM 10 and then did the imported from FamilySearch. In other words, my file was blank with no persons in it prior to my doing an import. I did no “linking.” I did not add a marriage fact. Anyway . . . as an experiment I decided to try the whole thing again. That is, for a second time, using RM 10, I created a brand new, blank, empty RM file, and did the import from FamilySearch just as I had done before. This time, RM took into the field for GL5H-M51’s marriage to her second husband GQH9-ZTL the correct marriage date. Since I did the exact same thing twice and got different results, I think my first result may due to the way (possibly the order) in which RM pulls the data from FamilySearch. The moral of the story is, I think, if you do what I did, you should check for anomalies such as this. Thanks again to everyone. Your attention is most appreciated.

I am new to RM and trying it out. The first thing I did was to import from FamilySearch and immediately stumbled upon this issue. My impression is that this could be a bug in cases in which a marriage date is missing, and the person has had multiple spouses.

Sorry to say BUT NO it is NOT a bug-- as Renee said it is a matter of attaching the marriage or child/ parent to the correct spouse–I don’t use FamilySearch much but went in and tried it 2 ways…
1st way was to import abt 245 people into an empty databese
2nd way in a different empty database was to start with 1 person in my RM file and add ancestors 1 by 1…
The imported database was missing abt 20 marriages–most because there was no marriage listed on Family Search BUT it did miss one…

In the 1st one I ended up with the son attached to the wrong mother and the marriage date wrong as in @marqueeheiress examples-- Why?

Well when I went to add the son or marriages, when this screen popped up, I saw the info circled in black and hit okay–I didn’t notice the info circled in yellow–so I ended up with Hannah’s marriage date on Anna’s info etc…

Easy thing to miss IF you are NOT familiar with the way FS works…

And if you are importing the info–definitely check for missing marriages and missing kids especially in a second marriage as I had both…

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