Something Bizarre!

Screenshot 2024-10-13 at 8.35.10 PM
As you can see from the attached photo, it appears that Marguerite Laforest has several spouses (13 to be exact). In reality I don’t have any spouses for her. These spouses came out of other files. They range from men & women, including her own mother, as well as a deceased infant.
I don’t know if this has ever happened to anyone else before, or if this is a first time. I had to unlink her from all of them. Everyone appears to be still linked in their rightful places.
Does anyone have an answer for this? Or, has it happened to anyone else?

Not clear what you mean, did you Import other files into yours?

What do the other files show for Marguerite?

What does your backup look like?

I’ve never had 13 but RM, since RM7, has added ‘rogue’ spouses and parents in my tree, apparently randomly, from completely different areas of it. I usually notice the extras when using tree match as they are not in my Ancestry file. Like you, I then have to unlink them manually. I’ve always accepted this as a RM idiosyncrasy but, on reflection, maybe should have raised it earlier. My current tree I downloaded from my Ancestry tree and it has gained a few random parents & spouses which I didn’t add nor do they appear in Ancestry. I’ve cleared all I’ve found so far so can’t send a screenshot I’m afraid.

Have you been doing a lot of merging in your database?

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First – these appear to be ONLY facts – not relationships. Also majority of those facts seem to be related to Fam Search. How/where those facts came form is the first question that should be investigated after you look at relationships. I would go the M. Laforest and check this view out for # of spouses
Is the # 13? (mine has 3 which is what is expected)

That’s the standard way that the Edit Person screen presents the list of spouses. They are the focus person’s spouses, not some Fact Type named “Spouse”.

Edit: As described by @Charlie_Allingham , the invalid ones have to be unlinked.

The short answer is no. It doesn’t happen very often but almost all my editing is done in Ancestry and then synced. The changes only happen in RM and are not present in my Ancestry tree.

never seen that on any of mine.

That’s puzzling. I don’t recall any display options. Shoot me a screenshot. I’m on RM10, Windows 10.

Come on @kevync, he’s showing the display of the top section of the edit screen where a persons spouses, web tags and groups are shown. The header for this section calls these things “facts” but they really aren’t. They are just a display of ways the person is connected to other people or groups or web tags.