RM9 - unknown spouse

I used ancestry treeshare to create my database in RM9.

In doing cleanup, I am finding that in some cases I have an ‘unknown’ spouse attached to a person. This seems to be when I have both and engagement fact and a marriage fact.

I’ve done a search on the engagement fact not spaces/blank in order to find the unknown spouses so I can clean them up / unlink. My search got 8 matches and all have unknown spouse.

So two questions - Is there a better search I can do to make sure I got them all? So far only seems to be when an engagement fact is involved.

And secondly, is this an error in the way RM interprets the Engagement fact when doing tree share?


Sort on the Couple List by Father and Mother columns. Those without spouse will sort to the top.

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That is very helpful, thank you.

I’m seeing more unknown spouses not related to the engagement fact. They seem to be legit in that in ancestry, I have children attached to a female/male, but the spouse is unknown.

Another was for my cousins birth mother. While her birth mother was married when my cousin was born, the person she was married to was not the birth father. And the birth father didn’t marry the birth mother. Under my cousin I do have her attached to both birth parents, so I guess the unknown spouse under the birth mother is legitimate in this case. I don’t have her adoptive parents (my great-aunt and uncle) in this database.