I wondered if the remaining 6 were hidden in Other Member Trees and/or Photos and Stories, but nothing happens if I click on those labels. I don’t understand what’s going on. Anyone got any ideas please?
Click on “Show on Ancestry” and look for what is missing under Hints. We already have it reported to Ancestry that the Photos and Stories are not coming through. I just checked and I am seeing “Other Member Trees” hints appearing.
I’ve now checked “Show on Ancestry” - it shows 5 Hints. One is the person’s name (I assume) and the other 4 are the same as the ones previously listed by RM.
I’ve also just re-run WebHints again and now got only 7 instead of the 10 it showed before. When I clicked on the 7 it shows the same results as before except that Photos and Stories is not there.
Do you see the Photos and Stories hint on Ancestry? I do find that Ancestry counts the Member Tree Hints as 1 online and then you see more when looking at them in more depth or through RM WebHints.
Hi Renee,
No, I don’t see the Photos and Stories hint on Ancestry. I’ve tried “Show on Ancestry” and Websearch in RM, as well as direct aqccess to my Ancestry subscription plan, via Google. The result is the same.
If you have no Photos and Stories hints then I need you to tell me what type of hint is missing. If you see less on Ancestry then it could be a phantom hint there. Which is caused by removal of a member tree or database collection and Ancestry didn’t clear the hint. In that cause Ancestry has told us to delete the Ancestry person and add them back again. That way it will generate new hints.
I was about to say I can’t tell you what is missing because, well, it’s missing! BUT then I clicked on the yellow WebHints icon again and got 11 hints in total. These are 7 undecided hints, 1 accepted (Probate) and 3 Other Member Trees :
The header for Photos and Stories has disappeared completely. If this is because there’s nothing to report, then that’s understandable I guess.
In my original post there was a disconnect between 4 hints and 10 listed. This seems to have rectified itself now, but surely shouldn’t have been there in the first place.
Ancestry website now shows 9 hints which are 7 undecided, 1 accepted and 1 of the Other Member Trees (the first listed, Jenkins Family Tree). Another of the 9 is my own family tree on Ancestry, but where the other one is I’ve no idea!
At this point, can I ask is there a way of preventing hints from my own Ancestry family tree from appearing in the RM list of WebHints?