Ancestry Hints not showing up

I decided to try using Ancestry webhints. In the past I have only been using Family Search hints. So I uploaded my RM database to a new private nonsearchable tree on Ancestry. Overnight, hints were generated in Ancestry for this new tree. However, I don’t know how to make those hints show up in Roots Magic. Enable webhints is checked, record hints is checked, member tree hints is checked, and it says I am connected.

Do you have both “Enable WebHints” and “Enable Ancestry WebHints” checked? After that you need to login to Ancestry TreeShare before it will retrieve the hints.

I am logged in to Ancestry. When I click on Ancestry Treeshare it says signed in, and the little Ancestry icon in the navigation bar is green.

Find someone that has hints on Ancestry and go to them in RM. Make sure to use the Pedigree or Family View.

That’s what I have been doing. I am wondering if they are coming in slowly, because some that I checked before that did not have RM hints, now have RM hints. Maybe I have to give it more time.

Let me ask one more question. If I add a new person to my RM tree, will they not have any hints until I match them with Family Search, and upload them to the Ancestry tree? I never used to have this Family Search match process, but hints always showed up. But now it seems like they won’t show up unless I go to Publish and match them, is that true?

If you disable the “Enable Ancestry WebHints” then go to another tab in RM and then go back to enable “Enable Ancestry WebHints” again, RM will research the webhints and will then be in sync with the Ancestry webpage.

Being matched to FamilySearch should have no bearing on what happens with an Ancestry tree. Their hints are separate too.