How to use the stillborn fact?

When i make a stillborn fact the dates are not showing on the family view. do i also have to make a birth-fact?

That’s a really interesting question.

As far as reports, the Stillborn fact itself should be adequate without a Birth fact.

As far as age calculations based on birth date, the Stillborn fact itself should be adequate without a Birth fact. That’s because there are very unlikely to be any useful age calculations that need to shown for a stillborn child.

But showing the dates for a stillborn child on Family View (or on Pedigree VIew or Descendant View) is another matter. RM will use already a christening date as a surrogate for a birth date for age calculations and for displaying on RM’s views. It appears that RM will not use the Stillborn fact in a similar manner for displaying on RM’s views. It probably should, and I think doing so should be an enhancement in future versions of RM. One difference is that the Stillborn fact should serve as a surrogate for both the Birth fact and for the Deathf fact when it comes ot RM’s views.


Thanx a lot for your reply. Mostly there is no sex determination on a stillborn child. but i always get an error message stating that the sex is missing. I think this item should also be optional not standard lead to a red exclamation mark.

(assuming you mean the problem alert) It not really an error per say but an alert that it might need to be looked at/review. You can clear this by Selecting “Not A Problem”
