How can I narrow the list of those "ready" for temple ordinances in FamilySearch Central?

Is there a way to filter only those individuals ready for temple ordinances in FamilySearch Central by date of birth criteria…or those who have a ready box available to check? I have close to 90,000 individuals who are “ready” but many don’t qualify because they were born after 1914. The only filters available are Group of People and Ancestors of a Person (generations).

Go to Publish, FamilySearch Central and leave it open so it will update the ordinance statuses. You can’t do anything else in the program while its updating. When the counts stop use the Ready link. That would be the 2nd filter on the FamilySearch Person Tools index. The top level filter can be filtered to a group you created previously. You could create a group of everyone born before 1914. The other options are to color-code everyone born after 1914 so you know to skip over them in the list.

Thank you so much. I’ll give that a try.