Hi - It’d be great if RM showed ordinances as available on the FamilySearch Person Tools Ordinance tab when they’re in the temple file. If a reservation expires or a person shares a name with the temple file, it’s still available to reserve. However, RM shows it as reserved. I tried to look for details in the API to see if it was a limitation of the way FamilySearch is providing the data, but it looks like access to the API is now closed. API Resources - FamilySearch Developer Center — FamilySearch.org
Thanks for considering this enhancement request.
Every now and then open FamilySearch Central (under Publish) and leave it logged in, doing nothing else inside of RM. It will update the ordinance status icons. The FamilySearch API doesn’t have a new icon for the reserved ordinances shared with the temple that you can reserve to do yourself. (I’m not even sure what to call that status.) If you are looking for those they will come up on their website when you are trying to print temple cards and need a name.
Hi @rzamor1 - Thanks for confirming this is an API issue. It’d be great to have RM reach out to FS to resolve this in their API. While we can go to FS to find those, we wouldn’t know to go to FS by looking in RM because they appear reserved.
Note that our interest is mostly in the Date column in the FamilySearch Person Tools > Ordinances screen and not the icons displayed in the Pedigree and Family People views. But having the icon status correct would also be good.