How best select people and associated media from an existing tree

I am using latest versions of RM9 and Windows 10.
I have a family database (A) with a single family tree for my and my wife’s ancestors. I have all our multimedia files in a single folder. My wife’s brother wants me to give him a copy of my wife’s side of the family tree so that he can start doing genealogy. To do that, I create an empty database (B) and drag my wife and her ancestors over to the new tree. I then export the new tree to a Gedcom file and give it to my brother-in-law. Job done.
Then he wants me to give him just the multimedia files linked in his Gedcom.
I first fix the broken links in (B). I then backup (B) with multimedia files included. I then do an RM restore of that backup and end up with a new ‘media’ folder containing (I hope) only the multimedia files linked from database (B). I give him the new ‘media’ folder. He is then free to start his genealogy work on whatever online or offline platform he chooses. He doesn’t have RM.
It seems overly complicated. Is there a better way to do this? Have I missed something?

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When I have sent part of my database to cousins, I create a new database, D&D the people into it. Verify the media are OK and then do the Backup With Media. Give them this backup and have them install RM Essentials and do a Restore. All the Media will be in a Folder with the database name. They can create Gedcom if they wish.


Thanks MadDog,
What you suggest is far simpler. I did think about getting him Essentials but I assumed the limitations with it would prohibit what I wanted to do. Checking just now I see that in fact there are relatively few basic limitations with the free Essentials version.
Your help appreciated.

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May I also suggest that if they update “their” database that they color code them. That way they can just send you it and you can do a Compare to your info. If they add media, it gets more complicated but is doable. Have fun.


Personally, I would distribute the entire database and media and let the recipient deal with people and files they don’t want.
The more people you give your full dataset to, the less likely it is to be lost.

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not easy to accomplish what you want in RM program— and not easy outside – you could get the list of the needed media (but SQL is more complicated than it might appear) – if you were successful you could create Windows utility to copy those specific files to a folder.

A Shareable copy might be closet but I have not tried for that purpose

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Well, indeed, Richard that is a valid point of view.
But one must also take into account the IT literacy of the recipient. In my case the person in question is very wary of technology and initially wanted to do everything with pen and paper. Having convinced him to use the technology, my next objective was to make it as absolutely simple as possible. Hence the Gedcom file and the folder of linked files. MadDog’s suggestion to use RM Essentials may be an even better solution.
Thank you for your interest.

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