Having 2 or more files open

It seems like it must be a Windows thing, or a thing about the way RM8 has been programmed to work with Windows. When you open a second RM8 database in a second RM8 database window, it’s not really in what a Windows user would really call a second window.

I don’t know the proper terminology to describe what is really going on. But from standard Windows features like the quick launch bar and the Alt-tab mechanism, RM8 appears still only to have one Window open instead of two. The way to get back and forth between the two RM8 windows that Windows doesn’t recognize as separate windows, get one of the RM8 windows on the screen and use F5 to get to the other one. I haven’t yet found a mouse way to accomplish the F5 function. I also haven’t yet found anything in the RM8 user interface that will even tell you that the second window even exists. You just have to know it exists because you created it. If you walk up to an RM8 screen after being away from it from an hour, you might not remember that you had opened a second window.

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