I have just upgraded from Roots Magic 6 to version 8. Version 6 allowed me to generate HTML files and save them in a folder on my computer. Roots Magic 8 does not appear to have that same option. Instead, it directs my files to MyRootsMagic, Ancestry TreeShare, or FamilySearch Central.
“We don’t currently have plans to support the RM6 or older style HTML websites. The old style websites were deprecated in RM7 and not continued in RM8. The only websites we offer are the MyRootsMagic websites that we host.”
When you need to update your website you can still use RM6 to generate your HTML files. In RM8 create a GEDCOM (File, Export Data) and then import it back into RM6 to make them.
Hi Jerry! Would you have any insights as to why when I generate files to put on my server using RM7 and selecting RM6 style (create a website using XML and Javascript, the name index list and pedigree is empty in my Foxfire browser. The home page displays the text and graphic that I added but no information is showing for name index and pedigree. Thank you in advance.
Current browsers will no longer let javascript open files on the local server (for security reasons). You will need to upload to your website to view it. This is why the RM6 Style websites were not carried over to RM8 & RM9.