I might trace a line back to 1750 and add more children to those ancestors, while also tracing another line, by adding data from the town’s vital records. The problem is that if one ladder goes back to 1850 and later, another ladder goes from 1750 to 1850, I see FSID’s for the parents and child on my RM interface but they are not connected on FamilyTree. That means another researcher might only find half of the ladder. RM needs a way to search for generational connections that are in the RM database but not in FamilyTree, and while you’re at it, a search for marriages that are in a RM database but not in FamilyTree.
I see the benefit of the “need” – not sure how easy it would be to implement and support. Additionally some of that info can change daily with added or delete relationships.
I think such a feature would be extremely difficult to implement, well nigh near to impossible.
But let’s suppose it were easy and could be implemented with a magic wand. I’m not sure it would be wise to do so. If I understand the proposal correctly, I fear that it would make it extremely easy to propagate huge numbers of errors very quickly. i think each individual marriage and the associated children need to be researched individually rather than en masse.
I come across this scenario often, while researching and adding people to my database and then FamilySearch, via the FamilySearch Person Tools. I will come across people already in the tree and match to them. While matching I find other children are identified with blue icon meaning I already have them in my database but not linked. I will then link the children in RM to the correct family. The FamilySearch Person Tools is the means to identify these family connections on either side. Outside of that we just need to continue to research. Making sure your people have a match on FamilySearch will help with this process.
Yes, that is the way I work too. Gets a lot of new connections, also to parents to those who are married into my tree.
I did omit the word ‘possible’ from my post and you essentially has the same thought I think
That’s exactly the point. FIND them, and then the researcher can go in and check that the child’s birth record shows the same parents and then add the connection. This is important for those of us who are entering a lot of persons from an ocean of records for a town. You find marriage records and add those persons, but you see that their parents are already in FT because your RM display shows they are. In some situations the parents are not connected with their children.