Feature Request: separate folders settings for each file

Having separate folder settings for each RootsMagic file would be nice. Especially for the Media Folder where images from Ancestry are automatically stored. I have a number of RootsMagic files that are separate from my personal genealogy database and I would like to keep everything separate from each other.



This feature would be extremely helpful for those who work with multiple family lines in separate files. I’m frequently changing the folder settings each time I update another family file. This does not appear to be a major enhancement unless I’m missing something.

I think it’s more tricky than major.

There is a chicken and egg problem associated with the folder for RM databases. How can you know the folder for an RM database before you open the database if the folder is a database option? The folders for backup, media, GEDCOM, and reports do not quite have the same chicken and egg problem because the database would be open before those folders would be needed.

However, the media folder does have its own little problem. Because folder paths in RM8/9/10 are now relative paths, the media folder needs to be set before any media are added. So any time you created a new database you would have to remember to set the media folder immediately.

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No magic expected. I am not suggesting any changes in the open file process. I am simply suggesting that when a RootsMagic database file is open, the user could enter the RM folder/file location information (e.g. media, reports) that would be retained in a related table row and populated when the related database is opened. When a database is loaded via the file open process, the related folder/file data would be populated in RM. Currently, the folder/file information appears to be related to program data rather than file data. And that folder/file remains static regardless of what database file is open.

FTM has no problem with separate media and other folders for each database. RM should have this feature.

Confirming request has been reported to development.

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