I would like to have the option, for initial TreeSync download, to disable media downloads, so that I can (a) avoid the duplication of media I already store and (b) avoid having to manually delete the media download after-the-fact.
Acceptance criteria:
- Boolean toggle is provided to enable / disable media download on the initial TreeSync login / setup screen.
- If disabled, the application will download all person ‘facts’, etc but will not download media such as image gallery content, source images etc. The RootsMagic media gallery will be empty.
- Option to download enabled by default, since my ‘disabled’ case is probably the minority. I don’t mind one extra click to turn it off.
I already have all the media downloaded for my tree, stored on my Google drive and arranged with category subfolders (see screencap). I also create my RootsMagic tree file in a Google drive location. This accomplishes a couple of important things for me: (1) Media is stored in an orderly manner, easy to use and manage, (2) everything is automatically backed up through Google Drive sync, protecting my efforts.
The current RM TreeSync is disruptive, for me, for the following reasons: (1) The media download causes a duplicate set to be stored on Google Drive, which is both unnecessary and consumes bandwith and storage, (2) The media download dumps the entire set into an unstructured single directory, which lacks order and complicates access & usage outside of RM.
A media-less TreeSync would let me download the structure and details of the tree, and then establish my own links to my pre-existing media store in an ad-hoc manner.
Side note: Removing the downloaded media after-the-fact is un-fun, especially since there is no multi-select available in the RM media gallery.
My primary purpose for RM will be factual offline backup and some textual reporting, so a media-heavy tree isn’t a particular need in my case.
Thank you for considering my request.