Feature Request: Column sorting

  1. In the “Edit Citation” view > “Citation Used”, data in the “Date” and “Type” (fact type) columns are sometimes cut off. The column widths (Date, Type, Name) can be manually adjusted, but return to their default widths when closing/reopening Citation Used. Request is that either those adjusted column widths remain in place, or that the columns automatically adjust to fit the data.

I use this frequently to check if I’ve used a citation everywhere possible (extracting every fact I can).

  1. Consider adding a “Place” column to that list.

  2. Consider enabling each column to be sorted by clicking on the column header. This would make it easier to see, for example, if I’ve added a Census fact for each person in a census citation.

  3. In the edit person screen, column sorting is possible using the Edit Options. Consider a similar clicking on column headers to sort.


I still haven’t installed my version 10, but 9 definitely remembers where I slide the 4-dot panel dividers to. Is this a Mac?

Windows 10, RM (64 bit)

My column width results are exactly like the original poster’s results. Here is after adjusting the widths to make them easier to see. The relevant columns are in the right hand panel, not the left hand panel.

Then I went out of that screen and immediately went back into it. The columns have maladjusted themselves rather than being remembered. The maladjusted columns we are are talking about are still in the right hand panel and not in the left hand panel

I also make use of this particular “Used” screen heavily, and for the same reasons as the original poster. I also would like to sort the columns. Then I would like the column widths and the column sort to be remembered. I confess I don’t understand how Places would fit into the screen.

I mostly use this particular “Used” screen just to look and to decide if I have used this citation in all the relevant places. I also use it sometimes with the Delete icon and with the Edit icon. They work extremely well. But I virtually never use this particular “Used” screen with either the Add icon or with the Edit Link icon. The problem when using these two icons is not with the “Used” list itself. Rather, it’s a problem I have talked about a great deal where those two icons place you into the RootsMagic Explorer screen. The RootsMagic Explorer screen is too hard to use when all you want to do is to navigate to a close family member such as a parent or a spouse or a child or a sibling.

I realize that this message sounds a lot like complaining. But I think that this “Used” screen and other similar “Used” screens are great features. It’s just that the “Used” screen features could be even greater with just some minor tweaking.

Thanks for the screenshot. I thought he meant when editing (the pencil icon) that is in that panel after clicking Citation Used arrow and the Edit Person window opens. Another brain-eurism. My bad.

Confirming requests have been reported to development.

It looks like this problem has not yet been fixed in RM10. I came to the forum to find more info and found this discussion from last year.

In Jerry’s screenshots, in his left panel, there is a scroll bar for more events that appear off screen. I also have people with many events where I need to use the scrollbar to see further down. When I get down there and want to adjust the columns to see the date, for example, I can’t adjust the columns. I have to scroll all the way back to the top to pull the columns wider.

Pulling the columns wider should work no matter where you are viewing the events. I’d like this problem fixed please.