Fact Type Sentence Template

Nancy I do have RM 10. So that 2nd email may be the one I try first.

Thank you Nancy. I am getting the hang of it. The problem for me is I have many people who need sentences defined for different facts that came over from Ancestry. Seems like it will be quite an endeavor to fix them all! Also I have to read the narrative for that person in order to then construct a sentence that makes sense. But, if I don’t do this, then the entire “narrative report” feature is really impossible to understand!
Thank you again for your kind assistance,

@englerm1125 as I understand , you have both RM 9 and RM 10, so defining facts can be done 2 ways…

1st way if the fact is something like the Freedman Bank Record, you will have to do all of those as described above.

2nd way IF there is a similar fact already in RM 9/ RM 10 such as you now have 2 Birth/ 2 Death/ 2 Burial facts or a similar fact such as LIVED instead of LIVING ( or RESIDENCE) or MILITARY vs MILITARY SERVICE–each of these facts can be bulk CHANGED FOR EVERYONE at one time ( but one fact at a time)…

Using the example of 2 birth facts

1st make sure you BACK-UP YOUR DATABASE!!!

Then go to your FACT LIST UNDER the 3 dots and EDIT the name of the Birth Fact that has no sentence to BIRTH FACT 2—

hit okay and then close out of that…

Then open TOOLS ( left side of screen)-- UNDER FACT TOOLS click on CHANGE FACT TYPE FOR EVERYONE— click on that and in the box on the right-- in the first box put the fact you want to GET RID OF --2nd box fact you want TO KEEP-- click on RUN SELECTED TOOL and it should be done

once done, you can go back to the FACT LIST and delete the BIRTH 2 fact–note if you try to delete it and it says it is still being used, that means it didn’t change all the facts–so don’t delete it and post a message here and we will tell you how to fix that…

Basically when writing a fact sentence, you are just changing the wording in between the <[ ]> and deciding if you want to use <[desc]> and getting the spacing right between the
<[ ]> <[ ]> and or words

so it is real easy to change a basic statement like

[person] was born< [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>.
[person] was listed in the Chicago City Directory < [Date]>< [PlaceDetails]>< [Place]>. <[desc]>. ( remembering to put a check mark in desc --so you can list their occupation also)…