Fact Type Sentence Template

Can I globablly change a fact type sentence?

Yes on the Fact Type List just edit the Sentence.

Adding a new Fact Type

You can design new fact types for your database. When you create a new fact type, it is applicable only to the database in which you created it. If you open another database and want to use the new fact type, you must add the fact type to the other database separately.

I did not see a fact type for “census”. Do I need to create one?

No-- it’s already in the fact list

you can however make a more specific census fact if you want–

On this one, the principal role is for head of household and then add additional roles for wife, kids parent, in-laws etc…


Where re you looking? It’s in the Fact Type List. See nkess screenshot

I did not see this - how do I navigate to this page? I’m new to this program!

3 Dots at top will get the Menu dropdown.

You should watch the videos on youtube (RootsMagic v9 & 10)

or open the person edit screen, click on the + plus sign and the fact list will pop up–pick the fact you want and hit OK-- then the area to list all the info will pop up

Here is what I see when I click on the + symbol.

This is the type of issue I am trying to fix or define for the narrative report function:

I found those fact types below the list of names that need facts defined. I have no clue how to fix all of that! :woman_shrugging:

Which Fact is the Freedman Bank Record associated with? Either make up your own sentence OR just copy it from another Fact Type that suits you. Examples are shown in the screenshots above as Sentence Templates.

Here is the wiki … Source Templates - RootsMagic Wiki

I’ll have to get back to you later BUT tell us what info did you get from the Freedman Bank Record --such as this was where they were living in a particular year or where he grew up --served in military–all of them?..

maybe a screenshot of the person with the facts

Thank u! I will do it tonight.
Thank u,

1st when you see in a report the words need to define sentence Freedman Bank Record that means you at sometime imported a FACT that RM does NOT have in it’s basic fact list–so it is a CUSTOMIZED FACT that you just need to define–after you fix this one, you MIGHT want to open the FACT LIST under 3 dots and see if you have any others–such as I had 2 birth facts, 2 death facts etc–in a case such as 2 birth facts, you can go to tools ( left side) and use change fact type for everyone ( changes it from one to the other) and then delete the 2nd one-- BUT NOT in the case of Freedman Bank Records…

You can do this 2 ways–

1st is create the Principal and then create witness rolls or even more specifically create a roll for siblings, parents kids/deceased etc— if you go this route, you would SHARE THE FACT WITH OTHERS— you have to do this in RM 9 but can do it in RM 10 also…

2nd is just create the principal role and use COPY SELECTED FACT–this can only be done in RM 10

SHARED FACT METHOD-- go to Freedman Bank Record–change name if you want–check everything on left side then hit EDIT PRINCIPAL and enter the sentence template

[Date] <[PlaceDetails]> <[Place],> <[person]> was listed in the Freedman Bank Records. <[desc]>.
I used the sentence with the date 1st then places/ details in case you are recording a piece of info that either gives another date or place such as was born in France or grew up in Roane Co., W VA or military service 1862-1865 BUT you can put these in any order you want–just follow same format-- once done say ok-- then hit ADD to enter more roles–so I added the role of child using this sentence and then hit okay:
[thisperson:cycle:casual] was listed as <% a son|a daughter |> in the Freedman Bank Records of< [Person]>< [Date]> <[PlaceDetails]> <[Place]>. <[desc]>.

All the other roles–sibling/ parents/spouse are exactly like this except for <% a son|a daughter |>– this you would change to hubby/wife etc depending on the role-- on deceased, you remove it and put deceased— once you are done creating roles click okay all the ways back then go in and check to see what Francois Freedman Record now says–it will either have the info in it from the original import or it will be blank and you need to record the info again-- and add what you want if anything in the description field–just keep in mind that whatever you put for one under desc will show up in all…
So my fact in a report for the principal now reads
In 1873 at 100 West Springfield Blvd in Savannah, Georgia, Francois Newark was listed in the Freedman Bank Records. Listed on Francois’s account was his mother Rose, his father Graham, a sister Judy and a brother Ron, Francois’ wife Lucille and 5 kids; Joyce, Fred, Cathy, Bob and Bill. Abby and Ken were listed as deceased.

what is highlighted is what I put in the description field but you could just use Listed on Francois’s account ( or as little or much as you want) to make your fact sentences in reports read right and then share it with whoever you want BUT try sharing it with just one person first in case you need to fix your spacing…
edit-- my SHARED FACT WITH HIS FATHER reads like this in reports
Graham was listed as father in the Freedman Bank Records of Francois Newark in 1873 at 100 West Springfield Blvd in Savannah, Georgia. Listed on Francois’s account was his mother Rose, his father Graham, a sister Judy and a brother Ron, Francois’ wife Lucille and 5 kids; Joyce, Fred, Cathy, Bob and Bill. Abby and Ken were listed as deceased.

just play with it…

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Method 2 COPY SELECTED FACT–only available in RM 10

setting up the fact is exactly the same as above EXCEPT you only make a PRINCIPAL ROLE-- again I used
[Date] <[PlaceDetails]> <[Place],> <[person]> was listed in the Freedman Bank Records <[desc]>.
Sentence in report reads

In 1874 at 100 West Springfield Blvd in Savannah, Georgia, Francois Newark was listed in the Freedman Bank Records for Francois Newark. Listed on Francois’s account was his mother Rose, his father Graham, a sister Judy and a brother Ron, Francois’ wife Lucille and 5 kids; Joyce, Fred, Cathy, Bob and Bill. Abby and Ken were listed as deceased.

I added for Francois Newark. to the rest of the description because when you COPY A FACT, it says the EXACT same thing— if I didn’t add this, then his father and other copied facts would read as if they ( father sibling etc) had an account…

In 1874 at 100 West Springfield Blvd in Savannah, Georgia, Graham Newark was listed in the Freedman Bank Records. Listed on Francois’s account was his mother Rose, his father Graham, a sister Judy and a brother Ron, Francois’ wife Lucille and 5 kids; Joyce, Fred, Cathy, Bob and Bill. Abby and Ken were listed as deceased.

Of the 2 ways, I like the COPY FACT ( but haven’t checked if it will transfer to Ancestry or in a gedcom BUT should) as it’s easier to do BUT do NOT like that you can’t use roles…
You can however once you have copied the fact to all is go in and CUSTOMIZE EACH PERSON’S sentence at the bottom right on the edit page-
I added Francois father to show the relationship also–doing it this way does NOT effect any of the others…

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Just one other thought-- while it is a great idea to create a fact from the Freedman Bank Records, depending on what info it contains, this is also great to use as a source/ citation–such as if it had he was born Moselle, France-- you could add it as a source for birth (place)–or to the name of his parents/ siblings–just a thought…

Ok thank you! I will try it. I’ll let u know how I do.