Changing Fact Type (family) to Fact Type (individual)

Is it possible to change and family fact type to an individual fact type without reentering all the information?

Previously, I used the Residence (Family) for a number of entries. Now, I don’t like how those facts are listed in the report for the individual.

Any suggestions how to go about the change without a complete redo?

It’s not possible without a complete redo.

Facts like Residence (Family) and Census (Family) are not really for the family. Rather, they are like Marriage and Divorce in that they are just for the couple. That’s why you don’t like how those facts are listed in the report for the individual. That’s also why the facts can’t be changed to individual facts without a complete redo.

The one thing that’s relatively new in RM that might help is that you can now enter a Residence fact for an individual and then copy the fact to other individuals. So you only have to do the entry once.


It is possible outside of the RM app by using a somewhat complex SQL script or series of queries directly on the database. It would be nice if such a feature was incorporated in RM.

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Is it possible in RM9 and how?

The ability to copy a fact from one person to other people is new with RM10.

With RM9, the only time saver that I am aware of would be to create a Residence fact for an individual and then share the fact with others. You would want to check whether shared facts behave as you expect in reports. For example shared facts don’t appear in the Individual list report but sentences will appear in Narrative reports.

Thanks. I had not upgraded to RM10 because the features highlighted were not anything of interest to me.

However… I just downloaded RM10. This copy ability will be a big saver for me.


I created a simple python script that does what you want.

RootsMagic Convert Fact to another Fact Type: “ConvertFact”

It will not convert from indiv to fam types.

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