DNA results recorded in married name. RM10

I have a woman who has recorded her DNA in her married name with the provider, and she is listed as that in my DNA file in RM10.

I also have her recorded in RM10 under her maiden name as part of a bigger branch of the tree.

What is the best way to merge these 2 records without any loss of data?

That is I want to retain the link from the DNA matches under her married name to her maiden name, so she ends up potentially as a person with an alternate name.

Or if there’s a better way…

Assuming you have two RMA ID’s for that person you can merge into one you want to keep. (Using Manual Person Merge) I would double check everything and backup file before attempting


Yes I could manual merge but then I’d lose the link to the results under the married name?

Alan Haynes

I have not tried merges with people who also have DNA – but I would guess that RM would relink them by the Master RM ID survived from merge. No sure we are talking about the same thing – but screen shots might help. Primary name on RM person vs DNA name etc

The DNA Matches for a person will not be lost in a merge. They are all saved. All names and facts are also saved. If the names are different one will become the alternate name. You can mark which one you want primary afterwards.

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Great - thank you very much.

The DNA match entry has a field called label. I use that for the name used at the DNA matching service. So the person’s married name will be right there.

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