Delete places, media, etc from database when person is deleted instead of going through separate steps

Trying to create a blank tree using all my customized event settings. Made copy of database,put everyone in one group, deleted the group, now all of the mdia files must be deleted one by one, as well as all of the places. Just being able to selecct more than one media file or one place would be helpful. But it akes most sense that when yu delete a person, all media and places associated with them should be deleted unless other poeple still are linked.

Why not create a new tree and use import lists to add the customised event settings from your original tree.

Yes that js what I have done, but it would still be good to be able to delete all sources and media and places when someone is deleted from a tree. My tree is overinflated but it is just too much trouble to clean it up.

If you created a new tree (and when I say new tree I mean a new RM file here, not a copy) there should be nothing to clean up. You are starting fresh so there should be no media or places in that tree. Just import the event/fact list from the original tree.

I shudder to think of what the fallout would be if the related media, sources and places were deleted whenever we deleted a person from the tree. I would never want that.

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Agreed and I think most people would also agree in most cases.
That said – there might be a few options within RM to accomplish what you want depending on exactly what you want to do. Drag N Drop or Gedcom might be some options – Not sure if I would be the best person to advise – if people knew more about your current database and what goal you trying to accomplish they might be available to advise – minimal steps , loss and remaining work etc


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