Conversion from RootsMagic 9 did not copy everything

When I converted from RootsMagic9 (2,943 individuals) to RootsMagic10 only 2,525 individuals were in the new database.

What happened to the other 418 individuals??

Hard to tell as I’ve not had this issue.

I would do it again and see the results.

hard to tell without more info.

  1. How comparing counts?

  1. how did you “convert”?
  2. if you lost 418 “people” you must have also “lost” other items (Facts / Media and citations)

I saved the converted database to a separate directory, hoping I could easily go back to RM9 if there was a problem. I did not check immediately, as I should have.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 101740

This is the original RM9 file.

Screenshot 2024-08-12 095839

If you converted the RM9 database it wouldn’t open in RM9 again to do the comparison. More than likely you imported the wrong database. If you customize the People List view and add the Date Edited it will confirm you were working on the same people at different times. If you restored a RM9 backup then restore it inside RM10 and it will be the same database.

But the files are in different directories. RM9 is pointing to the original directory. RM10 is pointing to a different directory.

I did what you suggested, first in RM9, it shows the things I did today. BUT, then I could not exit RM9 it gives a pointer error. I needed to use Task Manager to close RM9.

Here is RM9 People List sorted by date edited.
RM9-Screenshot 2024-08-12 110726

Here is the RM10 People List sorted by date edited.
NOTE doesn’t show any edit dates for 2023 or 2024 before I started using RM10!!

RM10-Screenshot 2024-08-12 111343

Definitely a problem!

That there is this gap in the RM10 database from 27 Jan 2022 to 30 Jul 2024 and you are still able to open your RM9 database that has activity in that period indicates strongly that you opened an older RM9 file with RM10.

Copy your ‘good’ RM9 file to your RM10 folder. Open that copy with RM10 and rename it to distinguish it from the original. Now compare them.


TomH - It is NOT something that I did. Look at this directory where the NEW RM10 file is located.
Then compare it to the next picture of the RM9 directory.

RM10-Directory 2024-08-12 141415

RM9-Directory 2024-08-12 141344

NOTE: That RM10 (NOT me) labeled TWO backup files as RootsMagic 10 Backups. And then, RM10 INCORRECTLY converted the WRONG (earlier of the two MISLABELED) files.

This was definitely an RM10 issue/problem.

RM10 will only convert the file you selected to open. It’s impossible for it to convert a file that wasn’t opened. You have to open it inside RM for it to offer to convert it. If you selected the wrong file the first time make sure to select the correct file when you try again. Once converted the database won’t open again in RM9. Using different folders for different versions of the program will help tell them apart.

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You have to remember that Windows can only associate one app with a file type. If thise are in your RM9 fold rhey are still Rm9 files. Windows can’t distinguish the difference

I did install RM10 in a separate directory (actually on a separate drive) from RM9.
I saved the RM10 file in a NEW separate directory too.
RM9 points to an RM9 file. RM10 points an RM10 file, the converted file. However, I believe I converted my old RM8 file, see below.

However, I think you are correct and have led me to the answer to MY problem. USER ERROR.

When I opened RM10 and went to where the RM9 files was located there were two files available.

  1. RootsMagic1.rmgc (last modified 2/9/2022).
  2. RootsMagic1.rmtree (last modified 7/9/2024)

RM10 gives a different Conversion Pop-Up depending upon which file you select. BUT, it will convert whichever file you select.

I am convinced now, that I selected (and therefore converted) the wrong file. MY ERROR.

Thank you for your help.

Setting aside the error in opening the superseded database file, did you also make a custom file association for the .rmbackup file extension giving it the name “RootsMagic 10 Backup”? In my case, I had associated that extension with the 7-zip utility probably back in the RM8 era but the type name defaulted to “RMBACKUP file” just as RM7 backups defaulted to the type name “RMGB file”. Installing RM10 did not change it to “RootsMagic 10 Backup” so I am wondering if it set it that way for you automatically or if you had done so yourself. Having made that change either way, all files with the .rmbackup extension, be they from RM8, 9 or 10, will have that name for that type of file.


No, I did not manually make any change to the file association for the .rmbackup file extension.

Therefore, RootsMagic 10 must have done that. Windows 11 shows that .rmbackup does not have a default file extension.

Sorry @CanaryIslandsAl BUT that is NOT right…
IF you have RM 8 AND/ OR RM9 AND RM 10 on your computer then RM 10 is the DEFAULT for all .rmtree files in RM 8 RM9 and RM 10—you can see this 2 ways
1st by going to documents and looking on the right side of any rmtree–note I am in my RM 8 document file

2nd way is to right click on any file and go to properties-- again RM 8 document file-- harder to see here BUT there is a tiny 10 in the RM boxes

As for .rmbackup file extension , if you have RM 8 and/ or RM 9 and RM 10 then RM 9 is the DEFAULT BACK-UP for all 3 versions-- again easiest way is to go to documents and look on the right side-- this is RM 8 document files

This is RM 10 document files

In your case, I’m NOT sure if this is the way it works since you are using separate drives for RM 9 and 10–in my case, where I am only using 1 drive, when I convert a RM 8 or RM 9 file to RM 10 and then back-up the file, I use to get the new rmtree in RM10 and the backup in RM9–today when I did it I got the new rmtree saved to RM 9 and the backup saved to RM 10

Even though I have marked in my settings that all RM 10 files, media back-ups are to be saved in RM 10–so then I have to go in and drag the converted file to the RM 10 document folder …

As long as you have all of your files for RM 8, Rm 9 and RM 10 corralled in their correct pen, and you open the files in RM, you will have no problems— BUT if you have open last database marked on all 3 and try to open a file in Windows explorer by double clicking , YOU GET SOME REALLY WEIRD RESPONSES!!!

Puzzling statement. “.rmbackup” is the default extension that RM9 and RM10 apply to their backup files. Windows File Explorer|Manager hides filename extensions by default but shows the “Type” with which each extension is associated in the Windows Registry. Associations are made automatically for some extensions when a program that can open them is installed. When a new version of RootsMagic is installed, any file type that the developers have declared the program is capable of opening becomes associated with that version and via double-click on the file cause the program to start. I don’t know how the value of “Type” is set - could come from something the developer puts in the installation file or maybe just the name of the program. That covers the database files with the .rmtree filename extension which get the type “RootsMagic file”, regardless of version.

The .rmbackup files do not get associated with any program automatically. In that case, Windows seems to default to capitalising the extension. So “RMBACKUP file” for RM9 and 10 and “RMGB file” for RM7 and earlier. That you got “RootsMagic 10 Backup” as the file type is simply not expected from Windows without manual intervention in the filename or the file type parameters.

I did nothing special, to associate “RootsMagic 10 Backup” to a file (RootsMagic1 (2023-02-27).rmbackup) that had not be touched in over a year and a half (3:20PM on 2/27/2023).

Obviously this was done during the installation of RM10 by the RM10 installation. I have no idea what the reasoning would be to associate an RM9 backup as file type “RootsMagic 10 Backup”.

In my humble opinion, after working with computers for over 40-years (IBM Mainframes, DEC VAX, Windows PCs, Tablets and SmartPhones) INCORRECTLY assigning a file type is a ROOKIE Programming mistake (Just like my original problem report was due to my rookie mistake).

The original problem I reported was user error. I will correct that by:

  1. Making an RM 9 backup.
  2. Uninstalling RM 10 (32-bit).
  3. Deleting the RM10 file.
  4. Installing RM10 (64-bit) to match the RM9 (64-bit) installation.
  5. Opening the correct RM9 file in RM10.