Changing the order of Media files

I have RM10. Should I be able to move / reorganize individual media pictures? I saw that feature demonstrated in a video for a previous RM version.

The feature is available from inside of the Edit Person screen. There are four icons in the upper left portion of the Edit person screen. The icon to view and rearrange the media for the person is the second icon from the top.


It may or not do exactly what you want it to do, For example, it doesn’t rearrange the all the media for the overall person. Rather, it rearranges media for specific items such as “rearrange all media for the birth fact” or “rearrange all media for a particular citation for the death fact”. As such, it may or may not be rearrange media for a scrapbook you wish to print unless that media is all linked to one particular item for the person.

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Thanks Jerry. This is exactly what I was looking for. I’ve been reorder media from the main media tab for some time. Glad to know how to do that.