Bug in V10 remaining from V8

I reported this some time back in RMG 9, and it had existed since RMG 8.

If you have an individual in your database with name suffix that does not conform to a certain narrow list of suffixes (Jr., Sr., PhD, M.D., III), RMG mishandles the Title in reports.

If the name is John Smith, Jr., and I choose to have the title of a report display ([Person:Surname], [Person:Given] [Person:Suffix], I get “Smith, John Jr.”. No problem.

But I have French-Canadian ancestors, who use the word “fils” and “père” instead of “Jr.” and “Sr.”; many had a practice of using alternate names or nicknames at the end of their actual surnames, so while the surname was “Boucher”, the suffix would be “dit Pitoche”. When the report tries to print with the format listed, the surname would show “dit Pitoche” and the given name would show “Pierre Boucher”, so the name would be “dit Pitoche, Pierre Boucher”.

This was NOT an issue up through RMG 7, but is a bug remaining from RMG 8.

It does not appear to be something that requires a great deal of work to fix, but it has gone uncorrected since RMG 8 came out. Can we put this one to rest?