Ancestry TreeShare Problem

In RM9 for Windows, when I click on the Ancestry TreeShare icon the first time it now opens a new tab in my browser (Chrome) that reads:

“You have successfully signed into Ancestry.
Please return to the RootsMagic 9 desktop application to continue using it.
You can close this window.”

I then have to click on “You can close this window,” and navigate back to RootsMagic before I can make any updates.

Does this happen to everyone and can this interim step be eliminated?

This is the new login with OAuth technology. We have to use this new procedure for security purposes.

  • OAuth login provides enhanced security by routing sign-in directly to the site itself and supports additional sign-in methods including two-factor authentication

Once logged in the browser you technically don’t need to close the browser window to start working in RM. They login in simultaneously.