There are two separate issues here. The first is that the FamilySearch standard is not to include the word “County” and RM is very committed to the FamilySearch standard. So many users have complained about this through the years without effect that I don’t think one more complaint is going to change anything.
The second issue is that RM has a database of places names without the word County that it uses for the Gazetteer feature and for the County Check feature. Well, I think both features use the same database. But even if the two features use separate databases then it doesn’t matter because neither database would use the word County.
You don’t turn the Gazetteer feature on or off. You just query it if you want to use it or you don’t query it if you don’t want to use it - just like you can choose to do a Google search or you can choose not to do a Google search. But the County Check feature is more active and it can be turned on or off. If County Check is turned on and you enter a place name it doesn’t like, it pops up a warning. If County Check is turned off and you enter a place name it doesn’t like, it doesn’t pop up a warning. Well, if it’s turned off it doesn’t even know it doesn’t like the place name because it’s not even invoked.
Besides all that, after you get started with RM for a while, your database will develop a set of place names you have already entered. As you type in place names for new facts, RM will look in your list of existing place names. If you start typing in a place name that’s already there, it will offer up an existing place name that you can choose or not choose. This process has nothing to do with County Check. It takes place before County Check is called. And it takes place whether County Check is turned on or turned off. But if County Check is turned on, the practical effect is that it will keep warning you about names you have already entered the way you want, over and over again.
My advice is to turn County Check off, enter the names the way you wish, and use Gazetteer as a tool. I sometimes even paste a place name in from Gazetteer and then add the word County to it after the paste. Since County Check is turned off, there is no complaint.
Do be aware that County Check and Gazetteer are supposed to be date sensitive so that they check against place names at the time of the event you are entering. The date sensitivity part of the tool usually works quite well but it’s not 100% accurate.
Even though I use Gazetteer as a tool and a resource, I also uses other resources to check out place names. My favorite go to place for U.S. place names is the USGS Web site which is supposed to be very accurate and official. But there are other such sites, and you may have a lot of place names outside of the U.S.
In addition to including the word County, I also leave out the country when the country is the United States of America. Atlanta, Fulton County, Georgia seems clear enough to most of my readers without including the country even though there is a country in eastern Europe called Georgia. I think it makes reports look awful to keep to keep printing USA or United States as a part of my place names. I would love to enter the name of my country into my place names if only I could keep them from printing in my reports. I certainly do include country when the country is not the United States of America, but I have very few of those in my database. Most of my lines go back to the mid-1700’s in the American colonies and it’s hard to find ship manifests and such things to get back across the ocean that far back in time.