Add the marriage after adding the groom and bride

When you add the groom and the bride to FSFT, if you have their marriage information, FSFT does not automatically collect that and add it in. You need to add it separately. Don’t forget to add the source. The part I find frustrating is when it asks why I think this is correct, and I want to paste the name of the source into the text box, it won’t let me copy the name from the source in the FSFT interface dialog box. I have to close out of that, open the person in RootsMagic, then click the source, then click into that to copy the name of the source, then navigate back to the FSFT . See the screen shot. It won’t let me highlight and copy the source name.
Screenshot 2024-01-20 at 23.29.33

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There are some limitations, I usually just open RM and then open FS in a browser. When adding info into FS I can copy anything from RM to add it. Adding RM info to FS via RM is too clunky for me.

Totally agree.

I played with the feature to push data from RM to FS/FT when the feature first came out. But first of all, I really just found it easier to do the work directly in FS/FT. And second of all, I regularly found messes in FS/FT that were impossible to cleanup from within RM. This second reason seems less important than it used to be because I now find fewer terrible messes in FS/FT than I used to. But the first reason is still there.

For fun, I found my ancestor in FS (he had 18 children by 2 wives) and thought I would download 10 generations & compare with what I had. 4 days and 167,000 people later it finished. Just looking at the Places was a mess (USA, or America or United States of America for example. Not to mention various spellings of Yeomans so I don’t use FS.

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Confirming issue with copying Source text on the Mac has been reported to development.