Access violation after editing person

I just got an access error in RM after closing a person I had been editing after jumping to them from the source uses list. The program is otherwise still running.

I’m running RM on a Mac with Apple silicon, macOS 15.3.

Close the program. Re-open it and run all Database Tools. Retry the operation.

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After running the database tools I still get the error…

and again

What steps are you doing after opening the database?

I just now reproduced the error. Here’s what I did:

  1. I sent to Sources in the navigation bar on the left.
  2. I selected a 1910 census source.
  3. I opened up the list of facts using the source.
  4. I selected one of the usage instances and hit the edit (pencil) icon.
  5. I hit the ESC key without having done any edits. The error box appeared.

Sometimes it also happens if I get to the source pane from the user record rather the source list. The common factor when it happens is that I hit the ESC key from somewhere in the sources.

And when you do an actual Edit & Save what happens?

I did your steps without any error.

It works when I edit and save. The common factor when it happens is that I hit the ESC key from somewhere in the sources. It doesn’t happen all the time, though, even with the steps I just performed.

I just repeated these steps 20 times in a row and no error came up. Is it always on the same source and the same person you get the error?

It’s happened on different sources, probably all for the same person. It might have happened with his wife or kids, but only because I’m working with sources like census records that they share.

BTW, I just went back to RM 10 to see if I could produce the error again. I was on the problem person and hit ESC to get back to the main window and RM crashed completely.

I just tried it on some other people in the tree and was able to reproduce the problem on another person, and then another one. I can’t repeat it at will but it did happen, using the steps I showed earlier.

If you want I have a screen capture video showing the problem occurring.

Open a support ticket with a backup and steps to reproduce and we will take a look.

OK, done. I’ll see what they say. Thanks!