Use of code field 'Proof'

I would find it useful if an additional code option under ‘Proof’ was ‘Not Proven’. I would use it as a tag for people/events copied from third party trees/websites where I have not found the original documented entry, but which I am not disputing or disproving - just not convinced about.

Not proven would be the blank option, for null.

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Thanks Renee. I had thought of this, but it means that I must now go and populate some 90+% of my Fact codes with ‘Proven’ if I am going to pull out a list of ‘Not Proven’ to work on. That’s a lot of unwelcome work.

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You could use disputed, since that’s basically what you are doing until you have it proven.


Thanks Renee. I agree that it is a good ‘work around’.

What Search criteria can I use to list out a Proof=‘Disputed’ report?

Create a group using the search criteria - Any fact - proof - is disputed. Then filter the People List or sidebar index to that group. For reports you would select the group.

It is certainly a good step in the right direction. It allows a report listing all People and their Facts who have a Proof=Disputed against one/more Facts in their Details, but it still requires the user to visit each Person to identify which is the Fact in dispute, and manually highlight it on the printout. A bit messy, but workable.

Disputed will have red line through it so it will be easy to spot. If you want it by specific fact then you can select one instead of using Any Fact.

Many thanks Renee. It doesn’t quite ‘hit the spot’, as what I am after is a list of all ‘Disputed’ facts by Person/Fact. There will be multiple different Fact codes, so the ‘messy but workable’ solution is the one I will go for. Thank you for your research on this.

I think it’s extra work, when all you need to do is not click “proven”

How do you produce a list of all the Facts with an empty Proven?

Search criteria: Any fact - Proof - is blank. Substitute Any Fact for a specific fact type. The Fact List can be filtered to that fact type to print the list.

Doesn’t really provide the solution. I am sitting in front of my open RM10. I have an hour to spare. I want to create a list of People - Facts (any fact, not a specific fact) where Proof = blank, so that I can use it as a worklist to research and close out a few ‘brick walls’. Is this unreasonable?

Of course it isn’t, which is why you were just given pretty much all you need to know to do just that!. Assuming that you want a report, so to the report, and use the criteria given by Renee to mark your people, then print it, save ti to PDF or whatever you need to do.

I remember attending a Gartner presentation on asset management software over thirty years ago, and someone raised a not-dissimilar issue re the SAP application. The SAP representative’s response was that if you couldn’t do what you wanted to do with their application software then you weren’t managing your maintenance properly. The silence was palpable.

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