Updating parents

This may well be an API issue but it would be good to get a fix. I’ve had the same issue several times now, bear with me and I’ll try to explain the issue. It typically happens when searching census data in Ancestry; you find your relative and add parents and siblings. Great. You then get hints for the parents and (maybe) add a marriage fact before opening RM and doing a tree share. When you run the (far too long!) problem list it tells you that the parents were married before the child was born. You discover that the child was registered as illegitimate in the mother’s maiden name before the marriage with no father shown. At this stage I would remove the father from the child in Ancestry (RM is so much more complex). When I tree share again it shows the (same) mother in Ancestry and both parents and a blank space in RM. I can only add the mother to RM, giving both the original parents and a ‘new’ mother or add the RM parents to Ancestry. The edit person option for RM does not allow the editing of relationships (which maybe it should) making lots of extra work to sync both databases manually. Sorry for the long post but could we at least add edit relationships to the right click menu on the edit person screen?

Not sure that’s possible from the Edit Person screen, but I have reported the request to development.

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Maybe something like this (this is from People View/ Family) ?

you could have unlink from the right side

Rename this person as Mr. Unknown in RM & Ancestry. TreeShare will work fine.

Thanks Kevin, that looks like a good option to me.

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Thanks for the idea Jerry. The problem is I have serious numbers of these and prefer to leave the father blank. Lots of servant girls up the tree! I still have hopes of establishing fatherhood at a later stage - a cousin of mine found 2 DNA matches with the ‘master’ of the household to her single parent G Grandmother. The more time that passes and the increasing numbers of those testing gives me hope.

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