Unattached people

Is there a way to run a report of people in my database that aren’t attached to anyone, so I could delete them?

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The only way that I can think of @NickiZ is to:

  1. Go to the Command palette and type in “count trees”
  2. The process will automatically run; review the results
  3. Any trees that have just one person would indicate that the person is unlinked.
  4. Use the “go to tree” option at the bottom of the “count trees” screen and this should take you to that person so you can review and see if they require linking, or deleting.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:


Hi @NickiZ - I was just looking for something else and came across another way to find those unlinked people! In the Individual List report there is the option to just print out unlinked people - the option is under the “list type” (refer below screenshot). I can’t “test” it as I have no unlinked people, but this may be another avenue if the “count trees” option doesn’t work.



Jill V…that count trees is helpfull but the link of go to Tree does not work for me…goes nowhere. You can just find in the people list and go there that way.
Tried going there via-in the **People view Tools>**count Trees >go to Tree and that works! Then oddly, the Palatte one works too…don’t understand but thankful.

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