MacOS on old MacbookPro (still running smoothly after 11 years)
Downloaded RM8 & RM9 & installed trial to check compatibility. RM8 runs. RM9 crashed/quits when trying tun after choosing the version (paid or trial) on the splash screen. Supposed to be compatible with 10:13 High Sierra - what gives?
And if RM9 is broken and wont run with 10:13, will the registration key work with RM8 and also allow an update to RM9 if the bug gets fixed?
…(from COnsole)…
Date/Time: 2023-12-02 23:46:06 +1100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.13.6 (Build 17G14042)
Architecture: x86_64
Report Version: 26
Data Source: Stackshots
Command: RootsMagic
Path: /Applications/Utilities/RootsMagic
Identifier: RootsMagic
Version: 9.1.2 (9.1.2)
Parent: launchd [1]
PID: 1234
Event: hang
Duration: 2.09s (process was unresponsive for 5 seconds before sampling)
Steps: 21 (100ms sampling interval)
Hardware model: MacBookPro9,1
Active cpus: 8
Time Awake Since Boot: 4700s
Fan speed: 4147 rpm (+106)
Timeline format: stacks are sorted chronologically
Use -i and -heavy to re-report with count sorting
Heaviest stack for the main thread of the target process:
21 start + 1 (libdyld.dylib + 4117) [0x7fff614a1015]
21 main + 1294 (RootsMagic + 38318302) [0x10a5200de]
21 Fmx::Forms::TApplication::Run() + 108 (RootsMagic + 5948252) [0x10864135c]
21 Fmx::Platform::Mac::TPlatformCocoa::Run() + 47 (RootsMagic + 7306255) [0x10878cc0f]
21 Fmx::Forms::TApplication::RealCreateForms() + 301 (RootsMagic + 5944877) [0x10864062d]
21 Fmx::Forms::TApplication::CreateForm(System::Classes::TComponentClass, void*) + 117 (RootsMagic + 5945237) [0x108640795]
21 Fmx::Forms::TCustomForm::TCustomForm(System::Classes::TComponent*) + 97 (RootsMagic + 6023153) [0x1086537f1]
21 System::_AfterConstruction(System::TObject*) + 28 (RootsMagic + 100492) [0x1080ad88c]
21 Fmx::Forms::TCommonCustomForm::AfterConstruction() + 88 (RootsMagic + 5969048) [0x108646498]
21 Main::TMainForm::FormCreate(System::TObject*) + 293 (RootsMagic + 36813429) [0x10a3b0a75]
21 Rmview::TRMFrame::TRMFrame(System::Classes::TComponent*) + 920 (RootsMagic + 36696760) [0x10a3942b8]
9 Personview::TPersonFrame::TPersonFrame(System::Classes::TComponent*) + 319 (RootsMagic + 30975919) [0x109e1f7af]
8 Familyview::TFamilyFrame::TFamilyFrame(System::Classes::TComponent*) + 164 (RootsMagic + 29276804) [0x109c80a84]
3 Familyview::TFamilyFrame::UpdateLayout() + 3213 (RootsMagic + 29308349) [0x109c885bd]
3 Fmx::Controls::TControl::SetWidth(float) + 101 (RootsMagic + 4983893) [0x108555c55]
3 Fmx::Controls::TControl::SetSize(float, float, bool) + 137 (RootsMagic + 4984105) [0x108555d29]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::HandleSizeChanged() + 210 (RootsMagic + 4981954) [0x1085554c2]
2 Nameframe::TframeName::DoResized() + 316 (RootsMagic + 28778780) [0x109c0711c]
2 Nameframe::TframeName::UpdateControls() + 1665 (RootsMagic + 28782017) [0x109c07dc1]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::EndUpdate() + 168 (RootsMagic + 5018120) [0x10855e208]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::EndUpdate() + 168 (RootsMagic + 5018120) [0x10855e208]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::EndUpdate() + 248 (RootsMagic + 5018200) [0x10855e258]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::DoEndUpdate() + 21 (RootsMagic + 5012741) [0x10855cd05]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::Realign() + 333 (RootsMagic + 4966109) [0x1085516dd]
2 Fmx::Controls::TControl::DoRealign() + 181 (RootsMagic + 5012693) [0x10855ccd5]
1 Fmx::Types::AlignObjects(Fmx::Types::TFmxObject*, Fmx::Types::TBounds*, float, float, float&, float&, bool&) + 709 (RootsMagic + 7641973) [0x1087deb75]
1 Fmx::Types::AlignObjects(Fmx::Types::TFmxObject*, Fmx::Types::TBounds*, float, float, float&, float&, bool&)::DoAlign(void*, Fmx::Types::TAlignLayout) + 545 (RootsMagic + 7640961) [0x1087de781]
1 System::Classes::TInterfaceList::GetCount() + 25 (RootsMagic + 1063529) [0x108198a69]
1 System::Generics::Collections::TThreadList__1<System::DelphiInterfaceSystem::IInterface >::LockList() + 27 (RootsMagic + 1230251) [0x1081c15ab] (running)