Tree Share - Ancestry

Very simple question (I think). I have an Ancestry account. Before I initiate TreeShare, I need to know, if I add new people to my ancestry tree, do they auto download to my RM tree? Or do I have to initiate the download. Does it just download the one person and sources and notes or do I tell it who to download? I don’t want it to pull everything from my RM tree back to Ancestry and I don’t want it to download every person in my Ancestry tree. Thank you!

Before I initiate TreeShare, I need to know, if I add new people to my ancestry tree, do they auto download to my RM tree? Or do I have to initiate the download.

Adding new people into your Ancestry tree will not automatically download them to your RM tree, you need to use treeshare to select and accept all changes made to your RM tree.

Does it just download the one person and sources and notes or do I tell it who to download?

It searches for changes between RM and Ancestry and shows you what the changes are. You accept or reject whether you want changes made in RM to be accepted into Ancestry and vice versa.

I don’t want it to pull everything from my RM tree back to Ancestry and I don’t want it to download every person in my Ancestry tree.

You are in complete control over what changes are made where. Refer this help page Ancestry TreeShare about 1/2 way down called " Viewing RootsMagic and Ancestry Persons Side by Side".

I would recommend making a backup of your RM tree before using TreeShare to make changes to your RM tree.

PS I am assuming you have already downloaded your Ancestry tree to RootsMagic and are making changes in Ancestry and wanting to know how these impact your RootsMagic tree.

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@teddy Thanks for your response. Correct - I spent HOURS fixing the sources in my RMTree and I don’t want those messed with. A good deal of my sources are from eons ago before internet. I still have the microfiche numbers from LDS for sources. I don’t want them changed. I have found baptism records for each one of the children of an ancestor family (12 children) from 1787-1808 and I want to download the children. One of the children is the 2nd husband of my 3rd gr grandmother. I want to have a record of his brothers and sisters. They are NOT in my RMTree right now - I would be downloading them as an ADDITION to my RMTree.


Please note that TreeShare is a two way street, with you in control. Your RM data can update Ancestry AND/OR your Ancestry data can update RM - your choice of what data is updated. Always good to backup your RM data until you get familiar with the process.