How to share a fact with living persons in RootsMagic 10?
For example:
For my deceased grandparents, I have the 1950 census as a “Census (fam)” for them. I also want to add their listed children as a shared fact for that Census (fam).
However, if the child is living, there does not appear to be a way to share the fact.
I’ve tried searching for the living person in the Add Shared Fact window, but the person doesn’t show in the results.
I’ve tried the “Just type name” option to add them as well, but that doesn’t work either.
Can this be done (sharing a fact with a living person)?
Did you try copying and pasting the fact (a new RM10 feature)? Just right click on the fact (in the list of facts) and choose Copy selected fact. Then you select the people you want to copy it to. I’ve found it to be really useful and I prefer how it looks in reports and on the screen, compared to shared facts.
I have to ask the obvious question: is the living person in your RM database?
There are many purposes for searching for someone, and searching for people to share a fact is just one of those purposes. I have never had the living or not living status of a person effect the search as long as I’m just searching for the name. Namely, if I spell the name of the person correctly and if the person is actually in my database, then the search always works. It doesn’t matter if I’m searching to share a fact or if I’m searching for some other purpose.
Perhaps you could post a screen ;shot of your problem?
I would use the regular Census not Census family - Census family is really couple
not entire household/family. – It Should work like my Parents just after they got married and birth of my oldest brother
Thanks to all for your replies and suggestions. I appreciate it!
Yes, the living person (my mother) is in the database. However, I’m not able to save her name. I’m not sure if this is by design (because she’s living) in RM or not.
I’ve tried to add her Given and Surname in the Person window. I click on the checkmark that appears after I enter her name, her name stays in the fields entered. Then click the close button and her name doesn’t appear in the Family view (or Pedigree or Descendants view).
I double click her record in the Family View, and all her Fact information and details, including birth information, is there. However, her name has disappeared.
The db tools have also been run (Test Integrity, Rebuild Indexes and Clean Phantom Records), without resolving this issue. I’m using RM
I am, however, able to share the family census record with her deceased sister.
And, if I simply use the Search window to search on her maiden (or even married) name, she is simply missing from the list returned.
So, I’m guessing this has to do with not able to save her name for whatever reason. Perhaps a corrupted record somehow?
B.t.w. Since her birth year is saved, 1944, I’ve tried searching for that as well in the Search window. All records with 1944 in the Birth year show up, but not hers. The record is not returned by doing a Search. It is, however, returned in the Family (& other) view, so clearly the record is there in the db, but cannot be found when doing a Search.
Hard to know for sure you – since said you ran db tools – its seem they did not find anything wrong.
You have a couple options that I would try but do at own risk :
open a ticket and submit database to be review with the RM Support group.
create a new person (just with Minimal info) and merge the current Living to the new person (make sure you have multiple backup and make note of PID /Rec ID for each person) – hopefully you already have Rec ID turned on.
That scenario sounds impossible, but we have had another “impossible” situation recently with RM that turned out to be true.
So here are two questions.
What is the exact version of RM that you are running? I don’t mean just RM10. I mean things like RM or RM 10.0.2 0 You can find the version number under Updates in the lower right hand corner of the Home screen.
Is it possible that your RM database has become read only? If so, the read only status should appear next to the database name in the upper left hand corner of the RM Window.
@we5inelgr I would first turn on the RIN # ( Settings-Gear-- Number to display) and see what # is displayed for her
Any chance you used < > around her 1st and last name or { } around 1st or last name-- if you used < > her name won’t show on left side of Edit page and no where in index BUT her birth info will-- If you used { } around both-- she would show up in the index either at beginning of the surname or at the beginning of the index with other people without a last name…
But that does NOT seem to be your problem from what I am viewing–as an FYI for you when you add a new name to the database, the check mark to SAVE IT does NOT appear–just if you change something and then I never use it and it still updates just fine…
IF she has a RIN # try searching for her by that and let us know what happens…
The presence of a Birth Year value indicates that there is a record in the Name table because that’s where it is stored but the Birth Event in the Event table from which it was derived by the program no longer exists or cannot be retrieved because some linkage is broken.
The Name record has empty name fields but they cannot be edited because of a broken link.
There is a record in the Child table because she appears in the Family View of her parents.
A guess would be that the broken link is there is no record in the PersonTable because she cannot be reached in so many ways. The one troubling thing in that hypothesis is that the female icon shows in the Family View and it is triggered by the Sex field in the ‘missing’ Person record. I don’t remember what the default is.
I doubt there is any lossless way of fixing this problem using RM. It will likely require SQLite surgery.
The db can’t be read only as I’m adding, modifying and deleting information without issue.
In fact, I can add, modify and delete (testing information) in all other fields for my mom’s record, even in the “Person Items” area. Ex. Notes. No issue entering and saving data there.
In the “Person” fields, I even tried entering anything (ex. “asdf”) into the Prefix, Suffix and Nickname fields. Nothing saves for any of them. So not just the Given or Surname fields.
Thanks for this suggestion. It may have illuminated some issue here?
I turned on the RIN #, and her record does not have one.
There are no <> or {} around any names I enter into my tree. There may be a record or two, many generations down the line from my earlier work with MyHeritage and the GED that I initially imported years ago. But nothing that I’ve entered, and not for this record in particular.
You’re likely just “spinning your wheels” playing around with that ghost record. After a backup, I’d export a GEDCOM, open it in a text editor and search the instances of BIRT tags that contain 1944 to determine what’s up. Eventually you’ll have to consider unlinking everybody from your ghost and create a new parent to link back into the tree. See if the ghost just disappears.