note-- I actually moved my info from another post as I have a few other issues and comments BUT did NOT want to take over someone else’s post–
Tom-- it has nothing to do with your database or what you’ve done to it as I am seeing the same issue in several of my databases-- some strictly made in RM and others started in other genealogy programs and moved thru several different programs until finally getting to RM 7 and all the various versions…
So my dad’s database and one other seems to have no problems ( but the 2nd one is so large, it might take years before I find a problem)…
Mom’s database seems to have 1–and it’s bad as it’s just one of my sis-in-laws–brother and her kids show the correct relationships— so I tried dragging and dropping my sis-in-law to dad’s database and it shows the correct relationship-- Interesting!!!
Then 1 of hubby’s databases has a few missing the relationships of spouse of the g-uncles (2 out of 4) and spouse of gg-aunt/gg-uncle ( 1 out of 7) that I have found so far–again all the g-uncles and gg-aunts/ gg-uncle show correctly-- their are some g-uncles who were married 3 or more times–2 of the wives show as spouse of-- the 3rd doesn’t…
Then we come to my test database and it is a mess–it’s like every generation is missing at least one ( and sometimes more) spouse of relationships ----a lot of these were originally entered into the RM 9 database BUT I have also added new individuals into the RM 10 database–set the relationship again to the same person to update the file and some show the spouse of relationship and some don’t…
Going back to I dragged and dropped my sis-in-law and it corrected it–well I dropped and dragged my whole test database–well it corrected some BUT not all – when I added some new people–some showed correctly–some don’t BUT the worse part is that some who show right in the original RM 10
test database
don’t show right in the drag and drop test database
one step forward-- 2 steps backwards!!!
Tried everything I could think of to fix the problem up to unlinking brother, sis-in-law and their kids from each other and unlinking brother and sis-in-law from their parents and then relinking them all and resetting set relationship-- no change…
Edit–on sis-in-law–I noticed before I unlinked everybody and it’s the same after relinking everybody-- when I set the relationship to myself–sis-in-law Shirley does NOT show as my sister-in-law ( so therefore NOT in my Kinship Report either)–when I set relationship to Shirley, it shows me as her sister-in-law–so I would show up on her Kinship List…
That definitely should NOT happen as the only way we connect is thru marriage…