Seeking tips for source list management

Hi. I’m considering transferring my main tree to RM9 (Mac) and I’m gradually working out what I’ll need to do with my data. I have a few hundred sources and they all need some work in this new layout. I’d hoped to be able to tag them all ‘To check’ and then untag each of them once I’d edited it, but that functionality does not exist. I thought I could attach a task to each - but tasks only link to citations and there does not appear to be a bulk function for that. Then I thought I’d export the source list in CSV so that I could check each source off outside the program once it has been edited - but I think CSV is only available on custom reports and they are people-based. Before I resort to printing out the source list and ticking off each row as I deal with it, is there any other approach anyone can suggest?
Many thanks,

Groups tab in the lower left pane has free-form and selection criteria to group folks using Mark->By data fields->any fact source exists. OR
Color code in Command palette (palette icon upper right corner) uses similar selection approach.

The Source list report can be saved in .pdf, word, or text format. Text can be imported to Excel.

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Thank you very much for pointing that out. I’d missed that option.

Thanks kbens0n. I don’t currently need a list of sources attached to people, but your tip has highlighted the Group function for me. Like tasks, I don’t find it intuitive, but I will take the time to read the manual and maybe watch a video to understand it better.

As already advised, the Source List is your only option for an output that you could get in spreadsheet format. Uncheck everything in Report Settings to get a 2-line per source format:
"Footnote: " FootnoteSentence

Save as TXT file (direct to Excel only available from list reports) and import into Excel. Once in Excel, you could sort all and delete the "Footnote: " lines to get a list of just the source names.

There is a field in the source called “Source Ref #” that could be convenient for tracking status but unfortunately it is not included in the above report. You might use a code in the Source Name for that purpose.

Outside the RM UI, one could use a sqlite manager to interact with the database to access any fields to possible advantage.

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I erred in that statement. While it is a field that is not available as an option in the report, it is included as an appendage to the source name in the report:
In the above example, the source name is “!Testing”. In the report sorting options, “Sort by > Source file #” sorts on the field labelled “Source Ref#” in the source editor.

Search > Find everywhere can find matches in this field and from its results you can hyperlink to the corresponding source in the Sources view.

A sqlite query could populate all source Ref# fields with a starting value such as “SrcToCheck”.

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