This morning I purchased the upgrade to RootsMagic 10. My payment has been approved, but I have not received either a receipt or my download instructions. My order number is 48186422.
Polly Held
download the Essentials version from the RM website … when you get the email with your Key just enter it to unlock
I just emailed your key to you. Check your spam filters if you don’t see it.
Still did not receive it. I’ve turned off my firewall altogether. Would you please send it again. Just to be confirm, my email address is
Yes, that’s the email I sent it too. Check your spam or junk mail. The firewall shouldn’t be effecting your email delivery. You call Sales at 801-489-3102 - Mon-Fri 8:00am-5:00pm (MT) or email
Thank you Renee. I was having difficulty with Microsoft Exchange Server. I was stuck in Offline mode and I finally had to do a total recovery and reboot of my Windows 10 and now I’m having to reinstall all my programs and settings. I finally received the email you sent me with the receipt and product key, so I’ll be re-downloading RootsMagic 9, and then downloading RM10. However, it will have to wait until tomorrow as my brain is presently fried from all the confusion. If I have any further problems (which I don’t anticipate), I’ll contact sales on Monday. Thanks again.