RootsMagic 10 Ancestry TreeShare problems

It took repeated tries, but RootsMagic had initially struggled to finish step 1, Downloading tree from Ancestry.

Now that’s it’s done that, it’s now struggling to finish step 2, Importing your Ancestry Tree.

Each started fine, progress bar progressing, but then it just comes to a stop and sits there. Task Manager confirms no more activity, despite the process still “running”.

What I’m doing now is killing the process in Task Manager, going back to doing an import, picking the new database (to catch the name) and then right-clicking the file to actually delete it, and retarting the TreeShare.

Right now, 5th attempt with Step 2 (happily it doesn’t repeat Step 1(?)) it’s gotten to 17%, and Task Manager is reporting no more activity.

Backing out (killing process in Task Manager) I’m starting again.

I’ll note this attempt’s RootsMagic file is 54MB. (I’ve seen it as large as 202MB.)

Without feedback about what is stopping RootsMagic’s attempts I’m not sure how to fix.

Should this work? The Ancestry tree I’m trying to import is about 55K persons, with lots of sources and media. (We haven’t even gotten to media items stage yet.)

This latest attempt just now has caused it to stop and close itself for the 2nd time.

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This has come up a few times before (search ‘downloading Ancestry tree’ using the search button 2 to the left of your profile photo above). Not sure there was ever a solution given other than it is probably an Ancestry issue. Don’t know if it would work but I would probably try creating a new RM tree from an Ancestry GEDCOM without media and then hope that the media/sources could be downloaded via Treeshare, although that would likely be a long job.

Someone might have a better solution.

Why are you doing both step1 & step2? not sure if I am misunderstanding your meaning .
Are they they same tree or different trees?


When you chose to Download a Tree, you first pick the service (Ancestry in my case), you Browse for Destination, you pick the New File Options, then you pick which Ancestry Tree to download, and the TreeShare for Ancestry does 3 more things. 1st, it Downloads the tree from Ancestry (apparently something like a Gedcom, but not a Gedcom); then it Imports the Ancestry Tree (which is apparently unpacking the earlier download into a RootsMagic set of files); and 3) you get to Downloading media items.

It’s grabbed the file from Ancestry. (And every try now it nows it already has it.)

It’s now in the 2nd stage, or the unpacking of the file into RootsMagic format where the problem is. (Trying again, this is now the 3rd time it’s crashed and closed itself. Otherwise, it usually just dies and sits there, and I have to close it in Task Manager.)

If you open a support ticket and share the Ancestry Tree with the agent with Editor permission we will test the download. It’s really hard to say where the issue is coming from. Attempting the download from a different computer and internet connection can possible rule those out as issues.

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I would say that with RootsTech happening the past few days, the Ancestry servers were busy.

Try it at night and go to bed (a watched pot never boils).

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