RM9 Create group for all direct relatives of one person

Is there not an option for marking direct relatives (No spouses) of a person to go in a group? I am trying to create this group for seeing who may be dna matches.

See DNA Groups

Thanks BobC This is not addressed however. The option closest to what I want is Ancestors and descendants of Ancestors. However descendants part includes spouses currently which are not dna matches. It would be great it was actually “Ancestors and children of ancestors” as the manual describes. Is this a glitch?

Kelly-- I used the Direct Ancestors ONLY and Direct descendants ONLY to form a group both for my sis-in-law and also in my test database ---- the only spouses shown were for the ancestors MEANING your grandma, g-grandma etc

It does not show her spouse nor her siblings, aunts and uncles etc…

When I tried Ancestors and descendant of Ancestors and Ancestors and collateral lines, it gave me spouses of everybody meaning the aunt’s hubby etc. as well as her own hubby…

I think Ancestors ONLY and / or Descendants ONLY will give you what you need BUT you will have to edit the group several times…
2 ways to do this depending on who all you need

  1. If you just need say your lines and that of your grandpa’s 5 siblings-- add your line 1st ( ancestors and descendants) and save it, then your siblings and their descendants only-- then go to the grandpa’s 1st sibling, do direct descendants and add his spouse ( if they are related also)–save then rinse and repeat till everybody is in the group…
    2 if you have a lot of DNA matches to say the 4th g-grandpa, I would do Ancestors only and Descendants Only for the 5th g-grandpa ( even if you have to name his UNKNOWN-- 4th g-grandpa’s father) --save that— add wife of 5th g-grandpa ( if known) and Ancestors only and then add wife of 4th-grandpa and Ancestors only if there are no DNA matches to the 4th or 5th grandma’s siblings–otherwise you will have to add their siblings and descendants…

MIGHT take some work but will get you there…

The non-grouping/non-marking way to isolate direct relatives would be:
Publish->Reports And Charts->Kinship List
Select the Individual, Save the output to a file.
Optionally, sorting by Relationship Column and deleting those table entries containing “Spouse of” would leave a list of only those direct relatives.

It would be very useful for various reasons to have an extra option in the tool for marking ancestors, used for colour coding, selecting people to include in a report or gedcom or indeed to include in a group. At present you can include one of

  • Direct ancestors only
  • Ancestors and their descendants (including spouses)
  • Ancestors and collateral lines

The fourth option would obviously be ancestors and descendants without spouses.
I would certainly use this if it was available.

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@KellyK415 —That is also another option @kbens0n BUT ONLY if you are on RM 9 or RM 7-- the kinship list in RM 8 is messed up as described in this thread

I was told by support that they would put the kinship list in RM 8 on the list to be fixed BUT then they released RM 9 and RM8 has never been fixed ---- probably never will be fixed…

And the option to sort by Relationship is only in RM 9 BUT that is a great addition to the kinship list…

Thank-you so much for trying to explain. I tried what you said and just did “direct descendants” option BUT I am definitely getting spouses with it. I am using the most updated version too. Which version are

IMO, it should not be worded “direct descendants” if the spouses are included. Just for my 3rd great grandmother (choosing her because grandfather married and had multiple families) I got 3117 people. It is not even my biggest branch. I know I can go in and individually remove the spouses but this seems like something doable by rootsmagic especially when he went to the trouble of adding a genetic line section. And the descendants going into those genetic groups is not nearly enough people for the trouble since you don’t have many mito or y dna people. I could manually do that group.

As I previously what is called in the manual says “Ancestors and ancestors children” and that would resolve this.

Yes the marking for color groups would be even better option! They do both these features in reunion 13 which I mainly use but there’s no linking to ancestry.

I’m also using the latest version of RM 9-- I tried another of my hubbies lines—
1st one, I select his father Gene–did direct ancestors and direct dependents only-- ended up with 245 people–no spouses
2nd one–went to Gene’s 5th g-grandfather–direct ancestors an direct descendants only-- ended up with abt 1950 people–no spouses that I can tell–while this is a large group already, this would only be a very limited DNA group as this is just part of the paternal side of the maternal line and does NOT include all the ancestors and descendants of spouses of the great grandmother etc (much less the maternal side of the maternal line)–which I would probably need for DNA comparison.
Have no idea why it works for me and not you

On the spouses that are included–is there anyway that they are actually descendants that you MIGHT have forgotten abt or could you have actually attached them to the wrong parent ( I did this once and didn’t find out till I ran a report and found the 3rd g-grandma missing from the line)…

In the People List View , you can pull up the list of names in a group-- that group can be sorted by birth, sex etc…

highlight one of these spouses in your list–double click on them and their edit window will appear-- you can click on the down arrow next to the parents and switch to either the father/ mother or sibling’s edit pane-- follow the mother or father back a few generations to check if they are related as in hubbies lines he has many of the gg-aunts and gg-uncles who married siblings and their grandkids/ g-grandkids married their cousins…

just a thought…

Hey, Alan Watson! I wonder if we’re related! Do you have a tree on Ancestry? Here’s a link to mine…

Just joined the forums, but I’ve been using RM for about 15 years, off and on.

I don’t think that we are related. My Watsons moved from the Shropshire/Montgomeryshire borders to Ireland c 1650 and became Quakers. There is an excellent book about them.

To generate a group of direct relative (cousins, without spouses), I have a SQL statement that generates the list and an app that takes the SQL and generates a group in the RM database.

see-- https://RichardOtter.github.io/