Help Creating a Group

Hello can anyone help with 2 Groups I would like to create. My database has both my own and my wifes family in it. I would like to create a group of my relatives and a group of my wifes relatives. I tried colour coding but that only gave me her direct ancestors.

Is there anyway to do this please.

Thanks Paul

RM can not give you all of a person’s relatives, as you, perhaps wish. The method below won’t include in-laws and their kids. It won’t include people who have shared a fact with a family member, or just associations with the family…
The best RM can give you is a list of person’s cousins and their spouses. The cousins include direct descendants.
For your example, you want 2 groups- one starting with you (start person A) and the other staring with your spouse (start person B).
Same procedure for both, just the start person is different.

Open the “Groups” window. (either by clicking the palette icon at the top right and typing groups, or by opening the groups tab at the the lower left and then selecting the pencil icon- next to the tab title.)

Click the New button.
The “Add New Group” window is displayed.
Enter a name for the group, then click the “Free-Form” radio button and then the “Select people” button.
The “RootsMagic Explorer” window is displayed.
Use the search bar in the window to find the start person. Select the check box next to the person. (either enter their RIN, or type the name)
Click the “Mark” button, near the top of the RM explorer.
Select “Ancestors of highlighted person”.
The “Ancestor Options” window is displayed.
For “Generations of ancestors”, pick a number that seems reasonable for your tree.
I don’t know if choosing a bigger number than necessary has negative consequences.
Select the radio button “Ancestors and descendants of ancestors”
For “Descendant Generations”, pick a number that seems reasonable for your tree. I would select a number that is the same as the “Generations of ancestors”. I haven’t tested huge numbers.
Click OK to extit the Ancestors window and you’ll see the people that will be in the group in RM explorer as people that have the check box marked.
Click Select to exit RM explorer. The number of people selected is in the Add new group window.
Click Save and you’re done.

I haven’t spent time to understand some of the other “Mark” options, like “Genetic line of highlighted person” and, in Ancestors option the sub-option “Ancestors and all collateral lines”.

I might mention that I’ve created a utility that can create a group using any SQL that you design. Not limited to what RM can do in terms of search.


Hello Richard, thanks for that. I have followed instructions but at this point:

Select “Ancestors of highlighted person”.
The “Ancestor Options” window is displayed.

There is no option to select Ancestors of highlighted person.

I tick the box and highlight her and then I just get details, spouse, parents. If I then press select it gives me just the one person - my wife.

I am on a Mac if that makes a difference.

Ignore that, I have found it now.

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Richard, thank you so much, that has done what I required.


There is also an alternative method that may give you more of the in-laws etc. You also don’t have to make guess about the number of generations.

Only downside is that you have to temporarily disconnect you and your spouse in the database.
First, check your profile and determine which facts are Family type events.
Marriage is one, you may have others.
These facts will be lost in the next step. Be prepared to recreate them, their citations, media, tasks etc. after you’re done.
Right click on yourself in the database and select unlink from spouse.

Now do the following for yourself and your spouseas you did before.

Open the “Groups” window. (either by clicking the palette icon at the top right and typing groups, or by opening the groups tab at the the lower left and then selecting the pencil icon- next to the tab title.)

Click the New button.
The “Add New Group” window is displayed.
Enter a name for the group, then click the “Free-Form” radio button and then the “Select people” button.
The “RootsMagic Explorer” window is displayed.
Use the search bar in the window to find the start person. Select the check box next to the person. (either enter their RIN, or type the name)
Click the “Mark” button, near the top of the RM explorer.

***** Select the option “Everyone in highlighted person’s tree”

The rest is the same.